Aim: - working and connection of tube
light, and troubleshooting method…
Tools: - Tester, screw driver, series testing lamp…
Material: - 1.50 mm wire,
Insulator tape, Ballast starter, tube holder…
Procedure: - 1) we
brought a tube light which not working.
2) we test the supply wire of tube light.
3) we test a tube light using a series lamp.
4) we checked the connection reoffering from
a circuit diagram.
5) we trouble shouted the tube light and
Observation: - 1) we observe that the tube light was
successfully passed the trouble shooting test.
2) secondly we checked the started it
was working in a good condition.
3) thirdly we checked the ballast it
was working…
Conclusion: - after 1 hour of work we concluded that the
problem was with the faulty wiring…motor starter
working and connection of a motor starter.
Tester, series lamp, copper wires.
1) We look a
mechanical starter from the artificial pond.
2) We opened
it separated the parts and studied them carefully.
3)We checked
the no of volt coil on the series lamp.
4)We brushed
the contractor as a carbon residue forms after long time of use.
5)We saw the
thermal relay that contains a bio-metallic strips.
while testing the no of volt of coil we saw that when we passed the current
through the no of volt coil turned in to electromagnetic.
We concluded that we can use a mcb instead of a motor starter
ripod stand
Aim: Learning about tripod stand.
- U-shaped petti
- Compass
- olamba
- Ranging rod
- Paper
- Small nails
- abilate petti
First we go to the plane surface and we putted the tripod
stand in one corner.
Than we fix table on tripod stand next we take u-shaped petti
we put at down ward nut bolts at middle and we measure the midpoint of table
and we put a paper and at middle, we marked it by nailing at down ward nut
bolts.I put volamba to U-shape petti and we put stone at the straight volumba
then we take abilate patti measure it at the corner we put ranging rod
straightly and we measure it like this and we take the measure rement of that.
Formula :1cm=10cm
then we assembled the line then we see there is no shape
then sir told to make triangle in it and we take measurement of all, sir give
each one triangle.
I measure the measurements that goes wrong, then I
recognised my mistake then i calculate correctly
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